Hindi Numbers 1 to 100 | Counting in Hindi 1 to 100

Hello Friends, Here we bring you Hindi & English Numbers 1 to 100 in figures & words along with Large numbers in Hindi from Hazaar to Shank. In this post, you will also learn about the meaning of day-to-day used words like Dedh, Dhai, Ek Chauthai, and all that.

Numbers and counting are very important in our day-to-day life. In India, we have various languages and the numbers are written and spoken differently in these languages.

Usually, people know counting in their mother tongue and in English. In India, the majority of peoples speaks Hindi however there are many who do not know Hindi and the numbers counting in Hindi. If you are one of them then this post is for you.

Hindi Numbers 1 to100 | Counting in Hindi 1 to 100 | हिन्दी गिनती
Hindi Numbers 1 to 100 / हिंदी गिनती १ से १०० तक

In Hindi, ‘Number counting’ is called ‘Ginti’. For ease of understanding, In the below tables, we have also provided the numbers in English figures & words alongside. It means you can also learn English Number counting. As such this post is going to be very useful for all age groups, especially for Kids. Let’s Start,

Hindi Numbers 1 to 10

Hindi English Hindi Hinglish English
0 शून्य Shunya Zero
1 एक Ek One
2 दो Do Two
3 तीन Teen Three
4 चार Chaar Four
5 पाँच Paanch Five
6 छह / छः Chhah Six
7 सात Saat Seven
8 आठ Aath Eight
9 नौ Nau Nine
१० 10 दस Das Ten

Hindi Numbers 11 to 20

Hindi English Hindi Hinglish English
११ 11 ग्यारह Gyarah Eleven
१२ 12 बारह Barah Twelve
१३ 13 तेरह Terah Thirteen
१४ 14 चौदह Chaudah Fourteen
१५ 15 पंद्रह Pandrah Fifteen
१६ 16 सोलह Solah Sixteen
१७ 17 सत्रह Satrah Seventeen
१८ 18 अठारह Atharah Eighteen
१९ 19 उन्नीस Unnis Nineteen
२० 20 बीस Bees Twenty

Hindi Numbers 21 to 30

Hindi English Hindi Hinglish English
२१ 21 इक्कीस Ikkis Twenty one
२२ 22 बाईस Baais Twenty two
२३ 23 तेईस Teis twenty three
२४ 24 चौबीस Chaubis Twenty four
२५ 25 पच्चीस Pacchis Twenty five
२६ 26 छब्बीस Chhabbis Twenty six
२७ 27 सत्ताईस Sattais Twenty seven
२८ 28 अठ्ठाईस Atthais Twenty eight
२९ 29 उन्तीस Untis Twenty nine
३० 30 तीस Tees Thirty

Hindi Numbers 31 to 40

Hindi English Hindi Hinglish English
३१ 31 इकत्तीस Ikattis Thirty one
३२ 32 बत्तीस Battis Thirty two
३३ 33 तैंतीस Taintis Thirty three
३४ 34 चौंतीस Chauntis Thirty four
३५ 35 पैंतीस Paintis Thirty five
३६ 36 छत्तीस Chhattis Thirty six
३७ 37 सैंतीस Saintis Thirty seven
३८ 38 अड़तीस Adtis Thirty eight
३९ 39 ऊंचालीस Oonchaalis Forty nine
४० 40 चालीस Chaalis Forty

Hindi Numbers 41 to 50

Hindi English Hindi Hinglish English
४१ 41 एकतालीस Ektalis Forty one
४२ 42 बयालीस Bayalis Forty two
४३ 43 तियालीस Tiyalis Forty three
४४ 44 चौवालीस Chauwalis Forty four
४५ 45 पैतालीस Paitalis Forty five
४६ 46 छियालीस Chhiyalis Forty six
४७ 47 सैंतालीस Saintalis Forty seven
४८ 48 अड़तालीस Adtalis Forty eight
४९ 49 उनचास Unchaas Forty nine
५० 50 पचास Pachaas Fifty

Hindi Numbers 51 to 60

Hindi English Hindi Hinglish English
५१ 51 एक्यावन Ekyavan Fifty one
५२ 52 बावन Bavan Fifty two
५३ 53 तिरपन Tirpan Fifty three
५४ 54 चौवन Chauvan Fifty four
५५ 55 पचपन Pachpan Fifty five
५६ 56 छप्पन Chhappan Fifty six
५७ 57 सत्तावन Sattavan Fifty seven
५८ 58 अठ्ठावन Atthavan Fifty eight
५९ 59 उनसाठ Unsaath Fifty nine
६० 60 साठ Saath Sixty

Hindi Numbers 61 to 70

Hindi English Hindi Hinglish English
६१ 61 इकसठ Iksath Sixty one
६२ 62 बासठ Basath Sixty two
६३ 63 तिरसठ Tirsath Sixty three
६४ 64 चौंसठ Chaunsath Sixty four
६५ 65 पैंसठ Painsath Sixty five
६६ 66 छियासठ Chhiyasath Sixty six
६७ 67 सड़सठ Sadsath Sixty seven
६८ 68 अड़सठ Adsath Sixty eight
६९ 69 उनहत्तर Unhattar Sixty nine
७० 70 सत्तर Sattar Seventy

Hindi Numbers 71 to 80

Hindi English Hindi Hinglish English
७१ 71 एकहत्तर Ekhattar Seventy one
७२ 72 बहत्तर Bahattar Seventy two
७३ 73 तिहत्तर Tihattar Seventy three
७४ 74 चौहत्तर Chauhattar Seventy four
७५ 75 पचहत्तर Pachhattar Seventy five
७६ 76 छिहत्तर Chhihattar Seventy-six
७७ 77 सतहत्तर Sathattar Seventy-seven
७८ 78 अठहत्तर Athahattar Seventy-eight
७९ 79 उनासी Unaasi Seventy-nine
८० 80 अस्सी Assi Eighty

Hindi Numbers 81 to 90

Hindi English Hindi Hinglish English
८१ 81 इक्यासी Ikyasi Eighty-one
८२ 82 बयासी Bayasi Eighty-two
८३ 83 तिरासी Tirasi Eighty-three
८४ 84 चौरासी Chaurasi Eighty-four
८५ 85 पचासी Pachasi Eighty-five
८६ 86 छियासी Chhiyasi Eighty-six
८७ 87 सत्तासी Sattasi Eighty-seven
८८ 88 अठ्ठासी Atthasi Eighty-eight
८९ 89 नवासी Navaasi Eighty-nine
९० 90 नब्बे Nabbe Ninety

Hindi Numbers 91 to 100

Hindi English Hindi Hinglish English
९१ 91 इक्यानवे Ikyanave Ninety-one
९२ 92 बानवे Baanave Ninety-two
९३ 93 तिरानवे Tiranave Ninety-three
९४ 94 चौरानवे Chauranave Ninety-four
९५ 95 पंचानवे Pachanave Ninety-five
९६ 96 छियानवे Chhiyanave Ninety-six
९७ 97 सत्तानवे Sattanave Ninety-seven
९८ 98 अठ्ठानवे Atthanave Ninety-eight
९९ 99 निन्यानवे Ninyanave ninety-nine
१०० 100 सौ Sau Hundred

Large Numbers in Hindi

Hindi English Hindi Hinglish English
१,००० 1,000 एक हजार Ek Hazaar One Thousand
१०,००० 10,000 दस हजार Das Hazaar Ten Thousand
१,००,००० 1,00,000 एक लाख Ek Lakh Hundred Thousand
१०,००,००० 10,00,000 दस लाख Das Lakh One Million
१,००,००,००० 1,00,00,000 एक करोड़ Ek Crore Ten Million
१०,००,००,००० 10,00,00,000 दस करोड़ Das Crore Hundred Million
१,००,००,००,००० 1,00,00,00,000 एक अरब Ek Arab One Billion
१,००,००,००,००,००० 1,00,00,00,00,000 एक खरब Ek Kharab Hundred Billion
१०१२ 1012 दस खरब (एक पद्म) Das Kharab One Trillion
१०१३ 1013 नील (सौ खरब) Neel (Sau Kharab) Ten Trillion
१०१४ 1014 दस नील Das Neel Hundred Trillion
१०१५ 1015 एक पद्म (सौ नील) Ek Padma One Quadrillion
१०१७ 1017 एक शंख (सौ पद्म) Ek Shankh Hundred Quadrillion
१०१८ 1018 दस शंख Das Shankh One Quintillion

Serial Numbers in Hindi 1 to 10

English Hindi Hinglish English
1st पेहला Pehla First
2nd दूसरा Dusara Second
3rd तीसरा Tisara Third
4th चौथा Chautha Forth
5th पाचवाँ Panchwaan Fifth
6th छटा Chhata Sixth
6th सातवाँ Saathwaan Seventh
8th आठवाँ Aathwaan Eighth
9th नौवाँ Nauwaan Ninth
10th दसवाँ Daswaan Tenth

Frequently asked questions

We will learn this from the question people usually ask? Lets Start,

What is Paav (पाव) in Hindi?

Ans: ‘Paav’ means 1/4th: It is the fourth part of any object.
For Example: ‘Paav Kilo’ is equal to 0.25Kg.

What is Sava (सवा) in Hindi?

Ans: ‘Sava’ means 1/4th more in any object Or a full number.
For Example: In Numbers, ‘Sava Do’ equals 2.25, ‘Sava Sau’ equals 125 and In Time ‘Sava Do’ equals 2:15, like this.

What is Aadha (आधा) in Hindi?

Ans: ‘Aadha’ means half (1/2): It is the half part of only one object Or number 1.
For Example: ‘Aadha Kilo’ is equal to 1/2Kg and ‘Aadha Ghanta’ is equal to 30 minutes.

What is Paune (पौने) in Hindi?

Ans: ‘Paune’ means 1/4th less in any object Or a full number.
For Example: ‘Paune Do Kilo’ is equal to 1.75Kg and ‘Pauna Ghanta’ is equal to 45 minutes Or ‘Paune Do’ is equal to 1:45 / one hour 45 minutes.

What is Dedh (डेढ़) in Hindi?

Ans: ‘Dedh’ means half (1/2) more than one (1): It is used for a fixed value for half more in one full part Or number 1.
For Example: ‘Dedh Kilo’ is equal to 1.5Kg and ‘Dedh Ghanta’ is equal to 1:30 / one hour 30 minutes.

What is Dhai (ढाई) in Hindi?

Ans: ‘Dhai’ means half (1/2) more than two (2): It is used for a fixed value for half more in two full parts Or number 2.
For Example: ‘Dhai Kilo’ is equal to 2.5Kg and ‘Dhai Ghanta’ is equal to 2:30 / two hours 30 minutes.

What is Sadhe (साढ़े) in Hindi?

Ans: ‘Sadhe’ means half (1/2) more in greater than or equal to 3 full parts Or number 3.
For Example: ‘Sadhe Teen Kilo’ is equal 3.5Kg, ‘Sadhe Gyarah Kilo’ is equal to 11.5Kg, and ‘Sadhe Teen Ghanta’ is equal to 3:30 / three hours 30 minutes.

What is Ek Chauthai (एक चौथाई) in Hindi?

Ans: ‘Ek Chauthai’ means 1/4th, the fourth part of any object.
For Example: ‘Ek Chauthai Hissa’ equals 25% share.

What is Teen Chauthai (तीन चौथाई) in Hindi?

Ans: ‘Teen Chauthai’ means 3/4th, three out of four parts of any object.
For Example: ‘Teen Chauthai Hissa’ equals 75% share.

What is Ek Tihaai (एक तिहाई) in Hindi?

Ans: ‘Ek Tihaai’ means 1/3rd, the third part of any object.
For Example: ‘Ek Tihaai Hissa’ equals 33.33% share.

What is Do Tihaai (दो तिहाई) in Hindi?

Ans: ‘Do Tihaai’ means 2/3rd, two out of three parts of any object.
For Example: ‘Do Tihaai Hissa’ equals 66.66% share.

How to write Ginti word in Hindi?

Ans: Ginti ko hindi mein aise likhe: गिनती

Friends, we hope you have learned and understood the Hindi Numbers 1 to 100, Hazaar to Shankh, and the meanings of day-to-day used terms in figures and words from this article.

Tags: Hindi Numbers Counting, counting in Hindi from 1 to 100, counting in Hindi 1 to 10, counting in Hindi 1 to 50, counting in Hindi 50 to 100 counting in Hindi 1 to 20, Hindi numbers 1 to 100 in words, Hindi numbers 1 to 100 in figures, large numbers, Big Numbers, number counting in Hindi, counting in Hindi number.