Govindam Adi Purusham Lyrics with Meaning – ISKCON

Govindam Adi Purusham Lyrics sung by devotees at the ISKCON Radha Krishna Temple in London is a Shringar Darshan Aarti of devotion to Shri Krishna. The lyrics of this prayer consist of a few Shlokas from the Brahma Samhita and the music was produced by George Harrison.

Govindam Adi Purusham Lyrics in Hindi

गोविन्दमादिपुरुषं तमहं भजामि
गोविन्दमादिपुरुषं तमहं भजामि
गोविन्दमादिपुरुषं तमहं भजामि।

(ब्रह्म संहिता श्लोक ३०)

वेणुं क्वणन्तमरविन्ददलायताक्षं
बर्हावतं समसिताम्बुदसुन्दराङ्गम्।
गोविन्दमादिपुरुषं तमहं भजामि॥

जो परमेश्वर हैं, जो बंसी बजाने में निपुण हैं, जिनकी आँखें कमल के फूल जैसी खिली हुई हैं, जिनके सिर पर मोरपंख सुशोभित है, जिनका रूप नीले बादलों जैसा सुंदर है, और जिनकी खास सुंदरता लाखों प्रेमियों को भी मोह लेती है, ऐसे आदिपुरुष भगवान गोविन्द की मैं पूजा करता हूँ।

गोविन्दमादिपुरुषं तमहं भजामि
गोविन्दमादिपुरुषं तमहं भजामि।

(ब्रह्म संहिता श्लोक ३२)

अङ्गानि यस्य सकलेन्द्रियवृत्तिमन्ति
पश्यन्ति पान्ति कलयन्ति चिरं जगन्ति।
गोविन्दमादिपुरुषं तमहं भजामि॥

जिनका दिव्य रूप आनंद, चैतन्यता और सत्य से भरपूर होने के कारण बेहद तेजस्वी है, जिनके चैतन्य शरीर का हर अंग सभी इंद्रियों के पूर्ण कार्यों से सुसज्जित है, जो अनंत काल से आध्यात्मिक और भौतिक दोनों जगतों को देखते हैं, उनका पालन करते हैं और प्रकट करते हैं, ऐसे आदिपुरुष भगवान गोविन्द की मैं पूजा करता हूँ।

[Continuous Chorus]

गोविन्दमादिपुरुषं तमहं भजामि
गोविन्दमादिपुरुषं तमहं भजामि।

Written By: Traditional (From Brahma Samhita)

Music Video

Listen to the prayer ‘Govindam Adi Purusham‘ sung at ISKCON Radha Krishna Temple in London below,

Video Credits: Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group

Govindam Adi Purusham Lyrics in English

Govindam Adi Purusham Tam Aham Bhajami
Govindam Adi Purusham Tam Aham Bhajami
Govindam Adi Purusham Tam Aham Bhajami

[Brahma Samhita Shlok 30]

Venum Kvanantam Aravinda-Dalayataksam
Barhavatam Samasitambuda-Sundarangam
Kandarpa-Koti-Kamaniya Vishesha-Shobham
Govindam Adi Purusham Tam Aham Bhajami

I worship Lord Govinda, the primordial being, who is skilled in playing the flute, whose eyes are as blooming as the lotus flower, whose head is adorned with a peacock feather, whose form is as beautiful as the blue clouds, and whose divine beauty captivates even millions of lovers.

Govindam Adi Purusham Tam Aham Bhajami
Govindam Adi Purusham Tam Aham Bhajami

[Brahma Samhita Shlok 32]

Angani Yasya Sakalendriya-Vrittimanti
Pashyanti Panti Kalayanti Chiram Jaganti
Govindam Adi Purusham Tam Aham Bhajami

I worship Lord Govinda, the primordial being, whose divine form is radiant with immense brilliance due to being filled with bliss, consciousness, and truth. Every part of His conscious body is endowed with the full capabilities of all the senses. He has been observing, sustaining, and manifesting both the spiritual and material worlds since immemorial.

[Continuous Chorus]

Govindam Adi Purusham Tam Aham Bhajami
Govindam Adi Purusham Tam Aham Bhajami

Song Credits

  • Song Title: Govindam Adi Purusham
  • Singer’s: Devotees at ISKCON Radha Krishna Temple London
  • Music Producer: George Harrison
  • Lyricist: Traditional (From Brahma Samhita)